Application Form


Before you begin, review How to Apply and the priority deadline explained in the timeline.

As a final deadline, this form will stop accepting submissions at 11:59 PM on March 1, 2025 (42 days remaining).

Use appropriate capitalization in this form. Examples: "123 Main St Apt 4" is good; "123 main st apt 4" and "123 MAIN ST APT 4" are bad.
Submit this form only once!

If you already applied and now wish to update information from that application, simply list your changes in an email to You may be removed from consideration if you submit this form more than once for Summer 2025.

Contact Information

Name of Applicant
Date of Birth
Primary Contacts
Submitting this form triggers a confirmation email summarizing your form data, so be sure the address you type is really yours.
Mailing Address


U.S. Citizenship Status Required
First-Generation College Student Required

A first-generation college student, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education, can be any of the following:

  • A student neither of whose natural or adoptive parents received a baccalaureate degree
  • A student who, prior to the age of 18, regularly resided with and received support from only one parent, and whose supporting parent did not receive a baccalaureate degree
  • An individual who, prior to the age of 18, did not regularly reside with or receive support from a natural or an adoptive parent

Ethnic Background Required
Racial Background Required

Mark one or more.


Undergraduate Study Now in Progress

out of 4.00

This is your cumulative (overall) undergraduate GPA, not just your in-major GPA. Enter "N/A" if you don't have a GPA yet or your school does not use numeric GPAs.

hours completed by June 3, 2025

Eligibility is limited to current undergraduates who, at the time of this summer program, will have at least one semester of coursework remaining before obtaining a bachelor's degree

Plans For Future Education

Leave blank if unknown or not applicable

(mark one or more)

Educational History

(mark one or more)

(check all that apply)

Faculty Submitting Recommendations

Valid email addresses are essential for your faculty recommendations.

  • .edu email addresses strongly preferred.
  • If you give invalid addresses, your recommenders will not receive the email messages that would enable them to recommend you.
  • Recommendations must be completed by the specified recommenders; applicants may not submit their own recommendations.

    Example: If you name Dr. John Doe as Recommender 1, your application will be considered dishonest if the email address you provide for Recommender 1 belongs to anyone other than Dr. John Doe or your Recommendation 1 is submitted by anyone other than Dr. John Doe.

FERPA Required

Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, you have the right to view these recommendations in your file at Nebraska. Do you choose to waive that right?

Note that some faculty prefer to write recommendations (even very positive ones) only for students who waive this right of access.

Recommender 1
Recommender 2

Summer Research Preference

You will be considered only for the programs you rank. See Program and project descriptions for details.


Upload a copy of your résumé. Your résumé must be in PDF or Word format (only .pdf, .doc, or .docx will be accepted).


Compose your answers in a text-editing application. When you finish revising them, paste their text into this form.

  • Use only plain text and standard characters. Text formatting such as centering, italics, font changes, and some special characters will not be stored.
  • These items are collected only here, via this form. We are not able to accommodate "I'll send it later" or "see email attachment".
  • See also: Application Form Instructions: Resume and Questions.

Submit This Application

By clicking this Submit button, you affirm that all information above is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

  • Any application with information considered dishonest will be removed from consideration. Do not submit a "test" application.
  • If you have already successfully submitted this form for Summer 2025, do not submit it again. Email us if you wish to update your application data.